The Jaggard PTA
Please click here to be directed to the Jaggard PTA website.

Meetings will be held in the all purpose room. All are welcome to attend!
Thursday, September 19th @ 7:00pm
Monday, November 11th @ 7:00pm
Monday, January 6th @ 7:00pm
Monday, March 10th @ 7:00pm
Monday, May 19th @ 7:00pm
The 2024-2025 Jaggard PTA Officers:
President |
Maria Melgar |
President Elect |
Jen Perez |
Vice President |
Jess Mahlman |
Recording Secretary |
Mindy Larioni |
Corresponding Secretary |
Joyce McGinty |
Treasurer |
Patricia Luceri
Remind: Text 81010 (with class codes below)
Kindergarten @jagpta2030
1st Grade @jagpta2029
2nd Grade @jagpta2028
3rd Grade @jagpta2027
4th Grade @jagpta2026
5th Grade @jagpta2025
Link to NJ PTA site
Link to National PTA site